About herbs

During the project, an interactive catalog “The Power of Medicinal Plants” was created. Can be used in education to teach healthy lifestyle topics, intended for schoolchildren 7-15 years old. The catalog contains a selection of healing herbs that strengthen the body, which are easy to find and recognize in Europe.

Instructions for sewing tea bags for schoolchildren 9-14 years old. During the project, our students learned to make linen bags for storing dried herbs. Such bags can be used in every house to store spices in the same way. Flax was not chosen by chance: the traditions of growing and processing flax in Europe date back several thousand years and are associated with naturalness and high quality.

  • Elektroninis dienynas
  • Tėvams
  • Mokiniams
  • Mokytojams
Pamokų laikas
6. 12.55 – 13.40
  • 1. 08.00 – 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 – 10.35
  • 4. 10.55 – 11.40
  • 5. 12.00 – 12.45
  • 6. 12.55 – 13.40
  • 7. 13.50 – 14.35
  • 8. 14.40 – 15.25