How to bake an apple pie?

This is the final event of a long-term project called “How to bake an apple pie?” The students presented their research activities: what products are needed for apple pie, how those products are grown on the farm, what work needs to be done so that a warm cake appears on our table. The event was attended by students aged 7-9 years of the coordinator’s school, parents. Also, those who wished could participate virtually. It was organized in the native language. 

Please, find our video about this event here.

Please see our final project video here on YouTube!

  • Elektroninis dienynas
  • Tėvams
  • Mokiniams
  • Mokytojams
Pamokų laikas
6. 12.55 – 13.40
  • 1. 08.00 – 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 – 10.35
  • 4. 10.55 – 11.40
  • 5. 12.00 – 12.45
  • 6. 12.55 – 13.40
  • 7. 13.50 – 14.35
  • 8. 14.40 – 15.25